It turns out that one of these methods is actually panning out for the notorious founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.

First, I speculated that Assange would try to seek asylum in Iceland due to their proposal to harbor asylum seeking journalists involved in high profile whistle-blowing stories.
Second, I gave two scenarios that could play out and lead to the detainment of Assange or any other asylum seeking journalist:
1) Iceland joins the EU and the EU pressures Iceland to extradite journalists that powerhouse countries in the EU want extradited.
2) Journalists that are implicated in international crimes could be taken into custody by Interpol.
It turns out that instead of seeking asylum in Iceland, Assange tried to seek asylum in Sweden but was denied a residency permit by the Swedish government.
The plot thickened even further with pending rape and molestation charges against Assange.
Sure enough, Swedish police have issued an international arrest warrant for Assange in relation to the charges:
Interpol hunts for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
....the story doesn't stop there, however.
In spite of catching heat from Interpol, Assange has vowed to another leak seven times greater than WikiLeaks' most recent leak.
This almost guarantees that Western intelligence services will step up pursuit and surveillance efforts while making apprehension operations for Assange entirely possible.
That's not it though...
Along with Interpol and Western intelligence services, Assange is also likely to have caught the attention of Russian intelligence services with his proposal to leak classified Russian documents.
Perhaps Assange will evade all three parties and continue his operations while on-the-run.
Perhaps Interpol will detain Assange and extradite him to Sweden for the pending rape and molestation charges (where he will be a sitting duck for all interested parties).
Perhaps Western intelligence services or Russian intelligence services will issue a kill order for Assange should the leaks be severe enough and the threat Assange poses to either party increases.
If Assange is assassinated, it could turn out to be a "frame up" operation with Russian intelligence making it look like a CIA job or vice-versa.
A bewildering game of real-life Clue could be in the works this very moment.
As always..."time will tell"
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